For most new students, the jump between the amount of physical activity they were doing before their vocational training, and the amount they are doing during their vocational training is huge. Which can be a bit of a shock to the system.
It's this massive jump in the volume and intensity of your training that can leave you open to the risk of injury - which is not ideal.
This programme has been made for exactly this reason.
With this programme you can make the most of your summer holidays and prepare your body for what's coming up in your training, getting your level of fitness up and getting those muscles strong and ready.
This will put you in a far stronger position for your dance training.
The Prep Programme
This is an ebook in a .pdf format you will be able to view the document on any digital screen.
The ebook contains links to youtube videos and The STRODA Project website pages.
Make sure once you have bought the programme you head over to @stroda_community on instagram and ask to join. This is a private instagram page where we will feature extra videos, information, challenges, follow-along workouts, tips, tricks and shout outs.
Be sure to send us a message with your name so we know who to accept!